Install with Google Tag Manager

It's really simple to integrate Serviceform with Google Tag Manager (GTM), first of all, you need to access your GTM Account, if you don't have an account you can check how to setup and install GTM.


The first step will be to create tags and triggers to coordinate your website with your chatbots and forms.


We advise you to create also a Serviceform folder on your GTM so you can keep your Tag and Triggers, in this way, your GTM Account will be ordered and organized.


Create a Tag in GTM

In your Tag Manager account create a new Tag, in this Tag you need to paste your Serviceform chatbot snippet



In your tag configuration choose the tag type "Custom HTML" and paste your chatbot snippet.


Find my snippet in a chatbot

Each chatbot has a unique snippet, to find your snippet go to edit the selected chatbot.

Under the tab "Place" you can find your unique snippet.


Paste that snippet on your GTM Tag.


Find my snippet in a form

Like chatbots, each form has a unique snippet, to find your snippet go to edit the selected form.

Under the tab "Share" you can find your unique snippet.


Paste that snippet on your GTM Tag.


Create a Trigger in GTM

After you finished your GTM Tag, you'll need to create a Trigger that will tell your website when to display your chatbot or form.


Let's say that you want your chatbot or form to jump in every page of your website, in the Trigger Configuration select the Trigger Type "Page View" then fire this Trigger in "All Page Views":

Save your tag configuration and Submit the changes to go live.


Trigger your chatbot or forms for specific pages

Let's say that your want to Trigger you chatbot or Form in a Specific page, for example in, in your Trigger Configuration select the option "Some Page Views", select "Page URL" and define the URL that you want:

Save your tag configuration and Submit the changes to go live.